Iwan Murty


Iwan Murty

NUS EMBA Class of 2013

Chief Executive Officer
RB Consulting

Where are you now?

I am currently running an ecosystem of market research agencies. I manage four different agencies plus another three agencies that I have a partnership with. These agencies are in marketing research with different specialities: one in qualitative research, one in quantitative, one in operation and another in research-based business consultancy. It has been and is always my passion to do market research.

On personal level, I have been nominated to receive the Monash Fellowship by Monash University. If selected, it will be a great recognition from Monash University where I took my undergraduate study.

How has the NUS EMBA helped shape where you are and what you’re doing now?

I started the NUS EMBA after 20 years of working, with the last 10 years leading a few different companies as managing director.

The knowledge I gained from my NUS EMBA professors in terms of theories and frameworks validated some of the things that I had done in my work and in leading companies, but also taught me what I should not do, and should do differently. It also further trained my thinking process in managing teams, companies and clients. Often, I had new ideas for products, client services, managing teams popping up in my head, while sitting in these long classes 😊

Personally, spending time with other fellow learners in the NUS EMBA humbled me! My cohort included other senior people in their respective industries. I met peers who were much more accomplished in their careers. My fellow learners amazed me! Many of them became my friends and enriched my network. A few from across region also became close friends!