Tan Boon Chin


Tan Boon Chin

NUS EMBA Class of 2003

Executive Advisor (Part-time)
NEC Asia Pacific

Where are you now?

I’m an experienced business leader in the infocomm technology sector, with a proven track record in securing and delivering multiple national-level projects in the region which involve the use of biometrics in national security, border control, digital identity, law enforcement, and aviation. I was MD of the Singapore-based NEC Global Safety Division (GSD) and spearheaded the creation of innovative and disruptive solutions for the safety and security sector for deployment globally.

How has the NUS EMBA helped shape where you are and what you’re doing now?

For senior executives who are serious about learning and development, the reputation of the school, the quality of its faculty, the diversity of the student body, and the return on investment – these are a given and starting point. I am glad the NUS EMBA has these characteristics.

I believe the unique format of the programme helped participants to forge strong bonds and understanding. We have three segments in various locations such as Bangalore, Shanghai and Ho Chi Minh City. These segments allow us to share a common experience in living and studying together. We also had first-hand experience visiting and interacting with businesses and business leaders in these places. The most important benefit is the network which I am able to form within the EMBA class. My classmates come from a wide spectrum of industries, such as medical, finance, shipping. They are from various countries. In fact, 50% come from countries other than Singapore. The greatest gain is that these classmates have become my close friends, even up to today. And I learnt much from them.