Hong Kong
Tan Yong Wah
NUS EMBA Class of 2000
Chief Information Officer (retired)
Hong Kong Monetary Authority, Central Bank
Where are you now?
I was from the fifth cohort of the NUS EMBA and I graduated in 2000. I’m newly retired from my role as Chief Information Officer of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority, and have returned to Singapore for good!
How has the NUS EMBA helped shape where you are and what you’re doing now?
The NUS EMBA provided good teaching of management knowledge, but the most valuable takeaways are the exchange of know-how and know-who from your classmates’ years of experience which is not possible to get them from textbooks. The EMBA is quite different from the regular MBA – in a class of, say, 15 EMBA students, the number of years of accumulated work experience will, on average, be greater than 100 years, and that is the most valuable aspect of being part of an EMBA class.