Jaydeep Saha, Founder of empwr.ed
April 2, 2024
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Redefining Education: Insights from Jaydeep Saha, Founder of empwr.ed

When you think of education, what comes to mind? This question, posed to Jaydeep Saha, founder of empwr.ed and an alumnus of the NUS Executive MBA(Class of 2023), opens up a conversation about his innovative approach to learning. With a distinguished career spanning technology leadership in various sectors, Saha ventures into the educational field with empwr.ed. He aims to transform how people access and perceive education globally. We tapped into his vast experience to find out about empwr.ed, education and his thoughts on the NUS EMBA. 


Cultivating Leadership and Core Values: The empwr.ed Philosophy

Jaydeep Saha believes that the essence of education transcends conventional academic success, emphasising the cultivation of core values as the cornerstone of authentic learning. “Doing well is subjective, and it varies from one student to another,” he asserts, challenging the one-size-fits-all notion of educational achievement. This perspective is the bedrock upon which empwr.ed’s innovative programs, PHOENIX and ASPIRE, are developed—each meticulously designed to enhance leadership skills and equip students for life’s myriad challenges.

Saha’s approach to education is holistic, aiming to nurture not just the intellect but the character of learners. “In my experience of meeting with over 1000 students, parents, educators, and leaders in the field of education, I strongly believe that it is essential to develop some fundamental core values which in turn drive attitudes and human behaviours,” Saha shares, underscoring the importance of foundational principles that guide personal and professional growth. 

The company’s flagship program, PHOENIX, encapsulates this ethos. It offers a curated curriculum that bridges the gap between theory and practice, ensuring students are well-versed in their subjects and adept at applying their knowledge in real-world scenarios. Similarly, the ASPIRE program extends beyond the classroom, offering students unparalleled exposure to global educational institutions and firsthand experience in the professional realm through internships and on-the-job training.

“We give our students an opportunity to visit top universities in the US as well as in Singapore. And for anyone seeking internships or on-the-job training experience, we have a program called ATTAIN,” Saha elaborates, highlighting empwr.ed’s commitment to providing comprehensive educational experiences that prepare students for the complexities of the global workforce.

Yet, empwr.ed’s vision extends beyond the student body. “We focus on the entire eco-system,” Saha reiterates, drawing attention to the equally pivotal role of educators in the learning journey. Through the REVAMP program, empwr.ed offers a hands-on, workshop-based curriculum for teachers to equip them with digital tools and modern pedagogical techniques. This initiative acknowledges the evolving educational landscape and the need for teachers to adapt to ensure they can effectively engage with the new generation of digital-native students.

Saha’s holistic view of education, grounded in developing core values and leadership skills, underscores empwr.ed’s mission is to empower the entire educational ecosystem—students and teachers alike. By fostering an environment that values individual growth, lifelong learning, and adaptability, empwr.ed aspires to shape successful professionals and well-rounded individuals poised to make meaningful contributions to society.


Celebrating empwr.ed’s Milestones

Saha’s recounting of empwr.ed’s path is filled with milestones that underscore the transformative journey of this pioneering educational platform. One of these achievements stands out for its symbolic and practical significance – signing the first Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). “It has to be the first MOU that we signed,” Saha reflects, marking a pivotal moment where empwr.ed transitioned from concept to tangible entity, dedicated to reshaping the landscape of global education.

This MOU wasn’t just a formal agreement; it represented the culmination of years of thought, planning, and collaborative effort. Saha describes the process as challenging and rewarding, a testament to the collective commitment to empwr.ed’s mission. “empwr.ed was starting to slowly take shape,” he says, detailing the journey that led to this achievement. From the initial ideation phase, through rigorous planning and numerous consultations with educators, parents, and industry professionals, to the project’s eventual realisation, each step was guided by a clear purpose: democratising education worldwide.

The journey towards this milestone involved extensive alpha and beta tests, alongside countless interviews that helped refine empwr.ed’s vision. Saha’s leadership navigated the complexities of launching a purpose-driven organisation, ensuring the platform remained steadfast in offering high-quality, accessible, and affordable education. “This ultimately helped me crystallise the concept into a real company,” Saha notes, highlighting the critical iterative process in translating a lofty vision into a functional, impactful reality.

The signing of the MOU marked a validation of empwr.ed’s mission and the trust their partners and the broader community placed in Saha and his team. “We were extremely lucky to land our first MOU within 3 months of rolling out empwr.ed, but I cannot be more thankful for the preparation and the effort in the background that was put in by so many talented people who believed in the same purpose that I did,” he expresses, acknowledging the collaborative spirit that has been instrumental in empwr.ed’s journey.

However, he does admit that it is not always smooth sailing. The journey of bringing empwr.ed to life was strewn with obstacles, from the intricacies of time management to the complexities of assembling a team that shared his vision and values. During these times, the NUS EMBA proved to be more than just an academic endeavour for Saha—it was a transformative experience that reframed his approach to problem-solving and leadership. “The NUS EMBA was a life changer,” Saha shares, acknowledging the program’s profound impact on his professional outlook and capabilities. The comprehensive curriculum and dynamic classroom discussions taught him diverse tools, frameworks, and best practices. These resources were instrumental in navigating the multifaceted challenges of setting up a pioneering educational platform like empwr.ed.

The program did more than just impart knowledge; it instilled a sense of possibility and new thinking. Saha learned to view challenges not as barriers but as opportunities to innovate and grow. This mindset shift was crucial as he led empwr.ed from concept to reality, applying lessons from economics, finance, strategy, and more to his company’s day-to-day operations and long-term planning. The NUS EMBA prepared Saha for the challenges of entrepreneurship and inspired him to envision a future where education is accessible, engaging, and empowering for everyone.


The Decision for NUS EMBA

Saha’s decision to pursue an Executive MBA at the National University of Singapore (NUS) was not just a step towards furthering his education but a strategic move to enhance his ability to lead and innovate within the educational sector. The global prestige and the Asia-centric curriculum of the NUS EMBA made it “the most obvious choice for anyone based out of Singapore,” according to Saha. This program stood out not only for its academic rigour but also for its unparalleled access to a vast and influential alum network. For Saha, the NUS EMBA was more than an educational program; it was a gateway to a wealth of knowledge, insights, and connections that would later play a crucial role in shaping the vision and strategies behind empwr.ed.

Saha’s advice to professionals considering the NUS EMBA is thoughtful and rooted in his experiences. The program’s rigour is matched by its potential to foster leadership development. “If you don’t get into the program on your first attempt, don’t give up – try again,” Saha encourages, underscoring the value of persistence in the pursuit of educational and professional goals.

Conversation with Jaydeep Saha shows that empwr.ed is poised to contribute to the educational landscape significantly. As empwr.ed continues to evolve, its impact on global education is sure to be profound, driven by Saha’s leadership and the foundational experiences at NUS EMBA.

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