December 9, 2022

The NUS EMBA residential segment experience

Ever wondered what happens during a residential segment overseas? We travelled with our students to Ho Chin Minh City, Jakarta and Tokyo to give you a glimpse of the immersive learning experience – in the classroom, and out – and the fun bonding that takes place!





The NUS Executive MBA program has reduced in-country days to 41 and added new electives to equip participants with skills to navigate emerging technologies and trends. The 2023 intake will have access to electives such as Service Management, Digital Assets & Blockchain, Asian Business, and Digital Transformation.
Sriram Iyer is the Founder & CEO of and a graduate of the NUS Executive MBA Class of 2019. He is a thought leader in the HR tech industry with extensive knowledge and experience, recognized for his innovative solutions and mentorship of aspiring entrepreneurs.